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ASDAN at Prime8 Education

ASDAN offers our young people a wide range of learning experiences, many in the form of short courses that cover both practical and theoretical learning. We endeavour to tailor our courses to the learner’s individual needs. 

Some of the courses now on offer at Prime8 Education are:


A short course covering many aspects of construction from health and safety to basic maintenance. Our learners take part in both the practical and theory of construction whilst building a portfolio for assessing. This leads to an award in construction giving them credits that can be used towards a possible qualification through further study.

Animal care

In conjunction with another alternative education provider, learners are able to experience hands on animal care whilst also learning the theory. They learn about the needs of domestic and exotic animals whilst collating their work into a portfolio and gaining credits towards an award.


Our young people produce items to sell at the local market in Retford twice a year. They work together to decide what they will make and have regular sessions to create their wares. Learners also complete the theory of enterprise by creating a portfolio to gain credits towards an award.

Wider Key Skills

Two of our students have completed their Level 2 Wider Key Skills by creating two portfolios showing them Improving Their Own Learning. This unfortunately is the last year that this qualification is being offered by ASDAN. 

PSD (Personal and Social Development)

Our young people are currently studying PSD where they look at the different types of relationships and how we deal with them. This is the foundation for our learners to move onto PSHE which is an ASDAN award and looks further into personal development.

Stepping Stones (KS2)

For our younger learners we have Stepping Stones. This is a challenge based short course. Learners choose their own challenges and on completion gain credits towards an award.


Prime8 Education is not the sole educational provider for the young people who attend our setting.
